
Git Source

Inherits: ISignatureUtils

Author: Layr Labs, Inc.

Terms of Service:

This is the contract for delegation in EigenLayer. The main functionalities of this contract are

  • enabling anyone to register as an operator in EigenLayer

  • allowing operators to specify parameters related to stakers who delegate to them

  • enabling any staker to delegate its stake to the operator of its choice (a given staker can only delegate to a single operator at a time)

  • enabling a staker to undelegate its assets from the operator it is delegated to (performed as part of the withdrawal process, initiated through the StrategyManager)



Registers the caller as an operator in EigenLayer.

Once an operator is registered, they cannot 'deregister' as an operator, and they will forever be considered "delegated to themself".

This function will revert if the caller attempts to set their earningsReceiver to address(0).

*Note that the metadataURI is never stored * and is only emitted in the OperatorMetadataURIUpdated event

function registerAsOperator(OperatorDetails calldata registeringOperatorDetails, string calldata metadataURI)



Updates an operator's stored OperatorDetails.

The caller must have previously registered as an operator in EigenLayer.

This function will revert if the caller attempts to set their earningsReceiver to address(0).

function modifyOperatorDetails(OperatorDetails calldata newOperatorDetails) external;



Called by an operator to emit an OperatorMetadataURIUpdated event indicating the information has updated.

function updateOperatorMetadataURI(string calldata metadataURI) external;



Caller delegates their stake to an operator.

*The approverSignatureAndExpiry is used in the event that:

  1. the operator's delegationApprover address is set to a non-zero value. AND

  2. neither the operator nor their delegationApprover is the msg.sender, since in the event that the operator or their delegationApprover is the msg.sender, then approval is assumed.*

In the event that approverSignatureAndExpiry is not checked, its content is ignored entirely; it's recommended to use an empty input in this case to save on complexity + gas costs

function delegateTo(address operator, SignatureWithExpiry memory approverSignatureAndExpiry, bytes32 approverSalt)



Caller delegates a staker's stake to an operator with valid signatures from both parties.

If staker is an EOA, then stakerSignature is verified to be a valid ECDSA stakerSignature from staker, indicating their intention for this action.

If staker is a contract, then stakerSignature will be checked according to EIP-1271.

the operator's delegationApprover address is set to a non-zero value.

neither the operator nor their delegationApprover is the msg.sender, since in the event that the operator or their delegationApprover is the msg.sender, then approval is assumed.

This function will revert if the current block.timestamp is equal to or exceeds the expiry

In the case that approverSignatureAndExpiry is not checked, its content is ignored entirely; it's recommended to use an empty input in this case to save on complexity + gas costs

function delegateToBySignature(
    address staker,
    address operator,
    SignatureWithExpiry memory stakerSignatureAndExpiry,
    SignatureWithExpiry memory approverSignatureAndExpiry,
    bytes32 approverSalt
) external;



Undelegates the staker from the operator who they are delegated to. Puts the staker into the "undelegation limbo" mode of the EigenPodManager and queues a withdrawal of all of the staker's shares in the StrategyManager (to the staker), if necessary.

Reverts if the staker is also an operator, since operators are not allowed to undelegate from themselves.

Reverts if the caller is not the staker, nor the operator who the staker is delegated to, nor the operator's specified "delegationApprover"

Reverts if the staker is already undelegated.

function undelegate(address staker) external returns (bytes32 withdrawalRoot);




Allows a staker to withdraw some shares. Withdrawn shares/strategies are immediately removed from the staker. If the staker is delegated, withdrawn shares/strategies are also removed from their operator. All withdrawn shares/strategies are placed in a queue and can be fully withdrawn after a delay.

function queueWithdrawals(QueuedWithdrawalParams[] calldata queuedWithdrawalParams)
    returns (bytes32[] memory);


Used to complete the specified withdrawal. The caller must match withdrawal.withdrawer

middlewareTimesIndex should be calculated off chain before calling this function by finding the first index that satisfies slasher.canWithdraw

beaconChainETHStrategy shares are non-transferrable, so if receiveAsTokens = false and withdrawal.withdrawer != withdrawal.staker, note that any beaconChainETHStrategy shares in the withdrawal will be returned to the staker, rather than transferred to the withdrawer, unlike shares in any other strategies, which will be transferred to the withdrawer.

function completeQueuedWithdrawal(
    Withdrawal calldata withdrawal,
    address[] calldata tokens,
    uint256 middlewareTimesIndex,
    bool receiveAsTokens
) external;



Array-ified version of completeQueuedWithdrawal. Used to complete the specified withdrawals. The function caller must match withdrawals[...].withdrawer

See completeQueuedWithdrawal for relevant dev tags

function completeQueuedWithdrawals(
    Withdrawal[] calldata withdrawals,
    address[][] calldata tokens,
    uint256[] calldata middlewareTimesIndexes,
    bool[] calldata receiveAsTokens
) external;



Increases a staker's delegated share balance in a strategy.

If the staker is actively delegated, then increases the staker's delegated shares in strategy by shares. Otherwise does nothing.

Callable only by the StrategyManager or EigenPodManager.

function increaseDelegatedShares(address staker, IStrategy strategy, uint256 shares) external;



Decreases a staker's delegated share balance in a strategy.

If the staker is actively delegated, then decreases the staker's delegated shares in strategy by shares. Otherwise does nothing.

Callable only by the StrategyManager or EigenPodManager.

function decreaseDelegatedShares(address staker, IStrategy strategy, uint256 shares) external;



the address of the StakeRegistry contract to call for stake updates when operator shares are changed

function stakeRegistry() external view returns (IStakeRegistry);


returns the address of the operator that staker is delegated to.

Mapping: staker => operator whom the staker is currently delegated to.

Note that returning address(0) indicates that the staker is not actively delegated to any operator.

function delegatedTo(address staker) external view returns (address);


Returns the OperatorDetails struct associated with an operator.

function operatorDetails(address operator) external view returns (OperatorDetails memory);


Returns the earnings receiver address for an operator

function earningsReceiver(address operator) external view returns (address);


Returns the delegationApprover account for an operator

function delegationApprover(address operator) external view returns (address);


Returns the stakerOptOutWindowBlocks for an operator

function stakerOptOutWindowBlocks(address operator) external view returns (uint256);


returns the total number of shares in strategy that are delegated to operator.

Mapping: operator => strategy => total number of shares in the strategy delegated to the operator.

By design, the following invariant should hold for each Strategy: (operator's shares in delegation manager) = sum (shares above zero of all stakers delegated to operator) = sum (delegateable shares of all stakers delegated to the operator)

function operatorShares(address operator, IStrategy strategy) external view returns (uint256);


Returns 'true' if staker is actively delegated, and 'false' otherwise.

function isDelegated(address staker) external view returns (bool);


Returns true is an operator has previously registered for delegation.

function isOperator(address operator) external view returns (bool);


Mapping: staker => number of signed delegation nonces (used in delegateToBySignature) from the staker that the contract has already checked

function stakerNonce(address staker) external view returns (uint256);


Mapping: delegationApprover => 32-byte salt => whether or not the salt has already been used by the delegationApprover.

Salts are used in the delegateTo and delegateToBySignature functions. Note that these functions only process the delegationApprover's signature + the provided salt if the operator being delegated to has specified a nonzero address as their delegationApprover.

function delegationApproverSaltIsSpent(address _delegationApprover, bytes32 salt) external view returns (bool);


Calculates the digestHash for a staker to sign to delegate to an operator

function calculateCurrentStakerDelegationDigestHash(address staker, address operator, uint256 expiry)
    returns (bytes32);



Calculates the digest hash to be signed and used in the delegateToBySignature function

function calculateStakerDelegationDigestHash(address staker, uint256 _stakerNonce, address operator, uint256 expiry)
    returns (bytes32);



Calculates the digest hash to be signed by the operator's delegationApprove and used in the delegateTo and delegateToBySignature functions.

function calculateDelegationApprovalDigestHash(
    address staker,
    address operator,
    address _delegationApprover,
    bytes32 approverSalt,
    uint256 expiry
) external view returns (bytes32);



The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain

function DOMAIN_TYPEHASH() external view returns (bytes32);


The EIP-712 typehash for the StakerDelegation struct used by the contract

function STAKER_DELEGATION_TYPEHASH() external view returns (bytes32);


The EIP-712 typehash for the DelegationApproval struct used by the contract

function DELEGATION_APPROVAL_TYPEHASH() external view returns (bytes32);


Getter function for the current EIP-712 domain separator for this contract.

The domain separator will change in the event of a fork that changes the ChainID.

By introducing a domain separator the DApp developers are guaranteed that there can be no signature collision. for more detailed information please read EIP-712.

function domainSeparator() external view returns (bytes32);


Mapping: staker => cumulative number of queued withdrawals they have ever initiated.

This only increments (doesn't decrement), and is used to help ensure that otherwise identical withdrawals have unique hashes.

function cumulativeWithdrawalsQueued(address staker) external view returns (uint256);


Returns the keccak256 hash of withdrawal.

function calculateWithdrawalRoot(Withdrawal memory withdrawal) external pure returns (bytes32);



Emitted when the StakeRegistry is set

event StakeRegistrySet(IStakeRegistry stakeRegistry);


Emitted when a new operator registers in EigenLayer and provides their OperatorDetails.

event OperatorRegistered(address indexed operator, OperatorDetails operatorDetails);


Emitted when an operator updates their OperatorDetails to @param newOperatorDetails

event OperatorDetailsModified(address indexed operator, OperatorDetails newOperatorDetails);


Emitted when @param operator indicates that they are updating their MetadataURI string

Note that these strings are never stored in storage and are instead purely emitted in events for off-chain indexing

event OperatorMetadataURIUpdated(address indexed operator, string metadataURI);


Emitted whenever an operator's shares are increased for a given strategy. Note that shares is the delta in the operator's shares.

event OperatorSharesIncreased(address indexed operator, address staker, IStrategy strategy, uint256 shares);


Emitted whenever an operator's shares are decreased for a given strategy. Note that shares is the delta in the operator's shares.

event OperatorSharesDecreased(address indexed operator, address staker, IStrategy strategy, uint256 shares);


Emitted when @param staker delegates to @param operator.

event StakerDelegated(address indexed staker, address indexed operator);


Emitted when @param staker undelegates from @param operator.

event StakerUndelegated(address indexed staker, address indexed operator);


Emitted when @param staker is undelegated via a call not originating from the staker themself

event StakerForceUndelegated(address indexed staker, address indexed operator);


Emitted when a new withdrawal is queued.

event WithdrawalQueued(bytes32 withdrawalRoot, Withdrawal withdrawal);



Emitted when a queued withdrawal is completed

event WithdrawalCompleted(bytes32 withdrawalRoot);


Emitted when a queued withdrawal is migrated from the StrategyManager to the DelegationManager

event WithdrawalMigrated(bytes32 oldWithdrawalRoot, bytes32 newWithdrawalRoot);


Emitted when the withdrawalDelayBlocks variable is modified from previousValue to newValue.

event WithdrawalDelayBlocksSet(uint256 previousValue, uint256 newValue);



Struct used for storing information about a single operator who has registered with EigenLayer

struct OperatorDetails {
    address earningsReceiver;
    address delegationApprover;
    uint32 stakerOptOutWindowBlocks;


Abstract struct used in calculating an EIP712 signature for a staker to approve that they (the staker themselves) delegate to a specific operator.

Used in computing the STAKER_DELEGATION_TYPEHASH and as a reference in the computation of the stakerDigestHash in the delegateToBySignature function.

struct StakerDelegation {
    address staker;
    address operator;
    uint256 nonce;
    uint256 expiry;


Abstract struct used in calculating an EIP712 signature for an operator's delegationApprover to approve that a specific staker delegate to the operator.

Used in computing the DELEGATION_APPROVAL_TYPEHASH and as a reference in the computation of the approverDigestHash in the _delegate function.

struct DelegationApproval {
    address staker;
    address operator;
    bytes32 salt;
    uint256 expiry;


Struct type used to specify an existing queued withdrawal. Rather than storing the entire struct, only a hash is stored. In functions that operate on existing queued withdrawals -- e.g. completeQueuedWithdrawal, the data is resubmitted and the hash of the submitted data is computed by calculateWithdrawalRoot` and checked against the stored hash in order to confirm the integrity of the submitted data.

struct Withdrawal {
    address staker;
    address delegatedTo;
    address withdrawer;
    uint256 nonce;
    uint32 startBlock;
    address[] strategies;
    uint256[] shares;


struct QueuedWithdrawalParams {
    address[] strategies;
    uint256[] shares;
    address withdrawer;

Last updated